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- Members
- Internal Services
- Certificate of recognition for Régis LEVEUGLE, for significant contributions over time to he IEEE International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design (IOLTS)
- First Student Design School at EuMW 2024
- HDR thesis defence of Michele Portolan (AMfoRS team): Evolutions of the Software Flow for Automated Testing
- HDR thesis defence of Paolo Maistri (AMfoRS team): Physical Attacks on Material Targets: Understanding and Protecting
- IEEE Student branch - A focus on IC Chip and Packaging Interactions - Pr. Makoto Nagata (Kobe University)
- Journée Scientifique TIMA / Journée Thématique GDR
- Seminar by Pr. Dongsuk JEON (Seoul National University): "Designing an optimal hardware solution for deep neural network training"
- Thesis defence of Adrien De Giovanni (CDSI team): Design of a piezoelectric micro-actuator for extra-auricular earphones
- Thesis defence of Ankush Mamgain (RMS team): On-Chip generation of high-frequency sinusoidal signals using harmonic cancellation technique
- Thesis defence of Arthur Vianes (SLS team): Integration of a Manycore Accelerator in a High-Performance Processor
- Thesis defence of Aïcha Saïd (RMS team): Biosensor using near field millimeter wave propagation
- Thesis defence of Damiano Zuccalà (CDSI team): Formal faults tolerance analysis of complex digital systems for safety and security applications
- Thesis defence of Diana Kalel (RMS team): Advanced Structural and Semi-Formal Verification Flow for Clock Domain Crossing (CDC) in Asynchronous Multiclock Systems
- Thesis defence of Florent Crozet (CDSI team): Extreme Learning Machine for embedded neural networks
- Thesis defence of Giovani Britton Orozco (RMS team): Design of an FD-SOI read circuit dedicated to the field of quantum computing under Cryogenic conditions
- Thesis defence of Hasan Moussa (CDSI team): Improving and Digitizing N-Path Mixers
- Thesis defence of Imadeddine Bendjeddou (RMS team): Contribution to low-power RF receivers for IoT applications based on mixer-first N-path filters and spintronic envelope detectors
- Thesis defence of Joycelyn Hai (RMS team): RF reliability in SOI CMOS technologies: device model and application to power amplifiers
- Thesis defence of Luc Noizette (AMfoRS team): Predictive fault tolerance analysis methodology for complex components with consideration of the application
- Thesis defence of Manasa Madhvaraj (RMS team): Self-referenced BIST for random jitter measurement with sub-picosecond resolution at GHz frequency
- Thesis defence of Marie Badaroux (SLS team): Dynamic Binary Translation speed and accuracy trade-offs: investigating parallel scalability and cache simulation
- Thesis defence of Mohamed Khalil Bouchoucha (RMS team): Design methodology based on the inversion coefficient for RF and mmW circuits optimization using 28 nm FD-SOI CMOS technology
- Thesis defence of Nasr-Eddine Ouldei Tebina (AMfoRS team): Sensitivity Analysis and Design Methodology for Secure Digital Circuits against X-Rays
- Thesis defence of Olivier Occello (RMS team): Non-intrusive, generic and quasi-static solutions for integrated millimeter-wave circuits test and calibration
- Thesis defence of Pierre Malbec (RMS team): Switched-mode power supply impact on a Bluetooth Low Energy receiver inside a microcontroller
- Thesis defence of Pierre TACYNIAK (CDSI team): Study of a secured wireless acoustic power transfer for medical implants
- Thesis defence of Salah Daddinounou (AMfoRS team): Design and Analysis of Neuromorphic Spiking Neural Networks with Spintronic Synapses
- Thesis defence of Sana Ibrahim (RMS team): Harmonic Rejection N-Path Mixers Based on the Control of Duty Cycle and Delay of Clock Signals for Low-Power Receivers Applications
- Thesis defence of Sergio Vinagrero Gutierrez (AMfoRS team): Methodologies for the Design, the Modeling, and the Quality Assessment of Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs)
- Thesis defence of William Bontems (RMS team): Design of a hight resolution, low area analog to digital converter for ultra low power applications
- Organizational chart
- Past Members
- Members - AMfoRS
- PhD Students - AMfoRS
- Publications - AMfoRS
Research Projects - AMfoRS
- ARSENE (ARchitectures SEcurisées pour le Numérique Embarqué)
- Resilient Trust
- CLAM (Cross-Layer Fault Analysis for Microprocessor Architectures)
- MITI 80 PRIME : les memristors se reconvertissent dans les réseaux de neurones
- Tiziano FIORUCCI
- Pietro INGLESE
- MultiRad (Evaluation of Space-to-Ground Radiation Effects in Multicore Computing Systems for Safety-Critical Applications)
- Power-OFF laser attacks on security Primitives (POP)
- Valentin MARTINOLI
- SCEMA (Side Channel ElectroMagnetic Attacks)
- stAte (Mitigation of Radiation Effects on the Attitude Estimation Processing of Autonomous Things)
- Members - RMS
PhD Students - RMS
- Abdelali AGOUZOUL
- Mohammad ALSUKOUR
- Lucio Neri BORGES
- Tarek BOUZAR
- Benjamin BUREAU
- Catalin Andrei DOBRIN
- Nicolas EYER
- Joao Eduardo GENTIL LÉ
- Fadel MOHSEN
- Ayoub NAOUI
- Mehdi OTMANI
- Stanislas PASTOR
- Julien POUPON
- Hajar ZIDANE
- Publications - RMS
Research Projects - RMS
- Imadeddine BENDJEDDOU
- William BONTEMS
- Mohamed Khalil BOUCHOUCHA
- Giovani Crasby BRITTON OROZCO
- Mohamad EL CHAAR
- Joycelyn HAI
- Pierre MALBEC
- Ankush MAMGAIN
- Tommaso MELIS
- Olivier OCCELLO
- Mohammed WEHBI
- ADMIL (L’Intelligence Artificielle au profit de la qualité et de l’optimisation des performances des amplificateurs Distribués : application aux futurs moyens de communication dans le domaine des fréquences MILlimétriques)
- GISS project (Ghana Instrumentation Sensors and Systems)
- IMHOTEP (IMageurs et sources multi-tecHnOlogie pour un système biomédical THz inTEgré et ultra-comPact)
- NPATH: Récepteurs innovants large bande multistandards basés sur des mélangeurs N-Path basse consommation (low power)
- New miniature high frequency probes for precision on-wafer microwave measurements
- SHIFT - Sustainable Technologies Enabling Future Telecom Applications
- SWAN-on-chip
- TowARds Advanced bicmos NanoTechnology platforms for rf to the applicatiOns (TARANTO)
- Faculty Members
- Chercheur/Chercheuse (Post Doctoral) en microelectronique
- Posted on 2023_10_19_Hardware Acceleration of IA
- Posted on 2023_10_19_High-performance communication interface for FPGA boards
- New miniature mmW probes for precision on-wafer microwave measurements
- Open Position in Microelectronics Image Sensor Design
- Study and development of Spiking Neural Network (SNN) with bio-plausible learning algorithm based on La2NiO4 memristive synapses
- PhD Candidate in Computer Architecture (HW/SW interaction between OS and microarchitecture)
- PhD in RF and mmW electronics
- PhD in RF/mmW reliable integrated circuits
- Posted on 2023_10_19_Mapping of neural networks on distributed low-quantization neuron blocks
- Posted on 2023_10_19_Power efficient VCO design on advanced technology beyond 100 GHz
- Posted on 2023_10_19_Usage of IA for EDA
- New miniature high frequency probes for precision on-wafer microwave measurements
- 5 internship offers (see attached document)
- Improving the Effectiveness of Fuzz Testing by Incorporating Association Rule Mining for Hardware Verification
- Optimizing State Exploration in Model Checking using Machine learning and Data Mining
- Security Breach Detection in IoT Devices using Machine Learning, Neural Networks and Data Mining
- Side-Channel Attack Mitigation in Physically Unclonable Functions
- Design and Evaluation of Computing in Memory Solutions for AI Hardware Accelerators
- Design optimization of AI/ML Hardware Accelerators
- Posted on 2023_10_18_Analysis of the efficiency of La2NiO4 memristive devices for bio-inspired learning
- Posted on 2023_10_18_Cache Timing Attacks on RISC-V
- Posted on 2023_10_18_Chaotic micromechanical systems for asymmetric cryptography
- Mitigation of Microarchitectural Vulnerabilities
- Posted on 2023_10_18_Proposed modifications to a processor architecture to improve its security and encryption performance
- Software Robustness Evaluation for RISCV SoCs
- Design and Evaluation of Content Addressable Memory (CAM)
- ITAs
- Publications
Awards and Distinctions
- 23èmes Journées Nationales MICROONDE (JNM 2024) : Prix de la Visibilité du Travail des Doctorantes for Oumayma Belkhadra, Sana Ibrahim and Hajar Zidane (RMS team)
- CARDIS 2023 : Best student paper award for Ihab Alshaer
- NEWCAS 2023 Best paper award for M.K. BOUCHOUCHA, M. BARRAGAN and S. BOURDEL
- Outstanding Performance Servicing DATE
- Best paper award at SIGNAL 2023 for CDSI team
- DSD 2022 Best paper award for Ihab ALSHAER
- ETS 2022 PhD Forum Contest Award for Sergio VINAGRERO GUTIERREZ
- Best Paper Award at TMREES22 for RMS team
- IFIP Silver Core Award for Salvador MIR (RMS team)
- Outstanding service to the EDA community as General Chair (DATE 2020)
- TTTC Outstanding Service Award for Giorgio DI NATALE
- Open-Source Tools
- Activity Reports
Scientific Animation
- Seminar by Michele Portolan (TIMA Laboratory / Secretary of the IEEE Renewal WG) "IJTAG changing the design for test" (EUROPRACTICE 2024)
- Seminar by Dr. Tomasz Kryjak (AGH University of Krakow, Poland) "Embedded event-based-vision" (introduced by Frédéric Pétrot - SLS team)
- Seminar by Dr. Eric Djekounyom (USTA, Tchad) "étude de méta-structures à base de ferrites pour des applications d'isolation hyperfréquence" (introduced by Florence Podevin (RMS team)
- Seminar by Dr. Trevor E. Carlson (NUS, Singapore) "Side-Channels in Modern Processors: How Can We Improve the State of Securing Today’s Systems?" (introduced by Paolo Maistri - AMfoRS team, and Arthur Perais - SLS team)
- Seminar by Dr. Trevor E. Carlson (NUS, Singapore) "Accelerators are Key to Future Performance and Efficiency — but Amdahl’s Law Seems to Say Otherwise" (introduced by Arthur Perais - SLS team)
- Scientific Day: Hardware Security
- Seminar by Pr. Fabian L. Cabrera (UFSC, Brazil)
- Workshop "Open Hardware: the new road?" - GDR SOC2 - IEEE CAS « Tour de France »
- Seminar by Prof. Jai Narayan Tripathi (Assistant Professor at Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India)
- Scientific Day: Embedded Control Strategies for Energy provision Management and Enhancement of Consumption
- Seminar by Prof. Sugako Otani (Renesas Electronics, Tokyo) & Prof. Makoto Ikeda (University of Tokyo)
- Joint IEEE & SoC2 Day On Inversion Coefficient and its Applications
- Scientific Day: Hardware Security
- Seminar by Damiano ZUCCALA (PhD student at TIMA Lab): Alan Turing and the Enigma Machine - An historical overview
- Scientific Day: Piezoelectric Microsystems and Transducers
- Scientific Day: Test, Safety and Security of Nano-electronic Systems
- Scientific Day: Design Methodologies
- Scientific Day: Asynchronous Circuit Design
- Scientific Day: RISC-V in Research and Education
- Scientific Day: Emerging Computing
- Scientific Day: Hardware Security
- Start-Up
- Past Projects
- Teaching
Pied de page
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- Website accessibility: not compliant
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