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20 ans de Floralis : témoignage de Skandar BASROUR (TIMA)
Abstracting Hardware Architectures for Agile Design of High-performance Applications on FPGA
Certificate of recognition for Régis LEVEUGLE, for significant contributions over time to he IEEE International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design (IOLTS)
Congratulations to Emmanuel SIMEU: appointed Full Professor at Polytech Grenoble
Conviviality Day at Château de Vizille
Demi-journée FMNT - graduate school@UGA PT-SUMMIT : Approches alternatives pour des capteurs durables
Design of phase shifters based on new architectures for mm-wave applications: 5G/6G & automotive radar.
Elena-Ioana VATAJELU's interview for CNRS INS2I newsletter
Emmanuel SIMEU (RMS team) is Program Chair of ICCAD 2023 (Roma, Italy)
First Student Design School at EuMW 2024
HDR thesis defence of Ioana VATAJELU (AMfoRS team): Emerging Memories for Dependable Computing
HDR thesis defence of Michele Portolan (AMfoRS team): Evolutions of the Software Flow for Automated Testing
HDR thesis defence of Mounir BENABDENBI (AMfoRS team): Contributions to the Test, Fault Tolerance and Approximate Computing of System on a Chip
HDR thesis defence of Paolo Maistri (AMfoRS team): Physical Attacks on Material Targets: Understanding and Protecting
IEEE Student branch - A focus on IC Chip and Packaging Interactions - Pr. Makoto Nagata (Kobe University)
Ioana VATAJELU's talk at IEEE CASS RS Talks 2023
Journal paper at Solid-State Electronics (Elsevier) - RMS team
Journée Scientifique TIMA / Journée Thématique GDR
LATS 2022 - 23rd IEEE Latin-American Test Symposium
Laurent FESQUET is Program Chair of ASYNC'23 (Beijing, China)
Ma thèse en 180 secondes (MT 180) : Salah DADDINOUNOU en finale régionale
Michele PORTOLAN elected Secretary of the IEEE 1687-2014 Revision Working Group
Next Laboratory Council will take place on February 1st, 2023
Next Laboratory Council will take place on June 13th, 2022
Next Laboratory Council will take place on October 17th, 2022
Next Scientific Council will take place on March, 13, 2023
Next Scientific Council will take place on May 9th, 2022
Next Scientific Council will take place on November 10th, 2022
Paolo MAISTRI's speech at FIC 2023 (Forum International de la Cybersécurité)
Scientific Day: Hardware Security
Seminar by Pr. Dongsuk JEON (Seoul National University): "Designing an optimal hardware solution for deep neural network training"
Seminar by Prof. Abhijit CHATTERJEE (School of ECE, Atlanta - USA) "Machine Learning Driven AMS Validation, Test and Tuning: Pre Through Post-Silicon"
TIMA Laboratory's 30th anniversary
TIMA Laboratory's 30th anniversary
TIMA Scientific Days 2021
Talk by Prof. Amro Awad (NCSU) "Confidentiality of sensitive data in cloud systems as well as challenges involved in data protection within specific kinds of non volatile memories"
Thesis defence of Adrien De Giovanni (CDSI team): Design of a piezoelectric micro-actuator for extra-auricular earphones
Thesis defence of Amine JAAMOUM (AMfoRS team): PUF based Secure Computing for Resource Constrained Cyber Physical Objects
Thesis defence of Amine JAAMOUM (AMfoRS team): Strategies for securing cache memories against software side-channel attacks
Thesis defence of Ankush Mamgain (RMS team): On-Chip generation of high-frequency sinusoidal signals using harmonic cancellation technique
Thesis defence of Arthur Vianes (SLS team): Integration of a Manycore Accelerator in a High-Performance Processor
Thesis defence of Aïcha Saïd (RMS team): Biosensor using near field millimeter wave propagation
Thesis defence of Damiano Zuccalà (CDSI team): Formal faults tolerance analysis of complex digital systems for safety and security applications
Thesis defence of Dayana PINO MONROY (RMS team): RF design methodology based on MOS transistors for circuit / technology optimization
Thesis defence of Diana Kalel (RMS team): Advanced Structural and Semi-Formal Verification Flow for Clock Domain Crossing (CDC) in Asynchronous Multiclock Systems
Thesis defence of Florent Crozet (CDSI team): Extreme Learning Machine for embedded neural networks
Thesis defence of Giovani Britton Orozco (RMS team): Design of an FD-SOI read circuit dedicated to the field of quantum computing under Cryogenic conditions
Thesis defence of Hasan Moussa (CDSI team): Improving and Digitizing N-Path Mixers
Thesis defence of Ihab ALSHAER (AMfoRS team): Cross-Layer Fault Analysis for Microprocessor Architectures (CLAM)
Thesis defence of Imadeddine Bendjeddou (RMS team): Contribution to low-power RF receivers for IoT applications based on mixer-first N-path filters and spintronic envelope detectors
Thesis defence of Ioanna KRIEKOUKI (RMS team): Industrial approach to quantum dots in fully-depleted silicon-on-insulator devices for quantum information applications
Thesis defence of Joycelyn Hai (RMS team): RF reliability in SOI CMOS technologies: device model and application to power amplifiers
Thesis defence of Luc Noizette (AMfoRS team): Predictive fault tolerance analysis methodology for complex components with consideration of the application
Thesis defence of Manasa Madhvaraj (RMS team): Self-referenced BIST for random jitter measurement with sub-picosecond resolution at GHz frequency
Thesis defence of Marie Badaroux (SLS team): Dynamic Binary Translation speed and accuracy trade-offs: investigating parallel scalability and cache simulation
Thesis defence of Mohamed AKRARAI (CDSI team): Event-based Image Sensor for low-power
Thesis defence of Mohamed Khalil Bouchoucha (RMS team): Design methodology based on the inversion coefficient for RF and mmW circuits optimization using 28 nm FD-SOI CMOS technology
Thesis defence of Nasr-Eddine Ouldei Tebina (AMfoRS team): Sensitivity Analysis and Design Methodology for Secure Digital Circuits against X-Rays
Thesis defence of Olivier Lim (CDSI team): Real-Time unconventional adaptive cameras for multimodal acquisition
Thesis defence of Olivier Occello (RMS team): Non-intrusive, generic and quasi-static solutions for integrated millimeter-wave circuits test and calibration
Thesis defence of Pierre Malbec (RMS team): Switched-mode power supply impact on a Bluetooth Low Energy receiver inside a microcontroller
Thesis defence of Pierre TACYNIAK (CDSI team): Study of a secured wireless acoustic power transfer for medical implants
Thesis defence of Pietro Inglese (AMfoRS team): Exploration of security threats in In-Memory Computing Paradigms
Thesis defence of Salah Daddinounou (AMfoRS team): Design and Analysis of Neuromorphic Spiking Neural Networks with Spintronic Synapses
Thesis defence of Sana Ibrahim (RMS team): Harmonic Rejection N-Path Mixers Based on the Control of Duty Cycle and Delay of Clock Signals for Low-Power Receivers Applications
Thesis defence of Sergio Vinagrero Gutierrez (AMfoRS team): Methodologies for the Design, the Modeling, and the Quality Assessment of Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs)
Thesis defence of Tarso Kraemer Sarzi Sartori (AMfoRS team): Mitigation of radiation effects on the attitude estimation processing for autonomous things
Thesis defence of Tiziano FIORUCCI (AMfoRS team): Qualification methodology for ISO26262 certification of automotive SoC systems
Thesis defence of William Bontems (RMS team): Design of a hight resolution, low area analog to digital converter for ultra low power applications
Thesis defence: Design of patch filters for millimeter-wave applications in BiCMOS 55-nm technology
Thesis defence: Study of an architectural model for code generation taking into account the real-time constraints of an embedded system in the electrical measure and protection domain
Thesis defence: Towards robust, low power and adjustable accuracy Bayesian computers
Thesis defence: Voltage-controlled oscillator for high-performance mmW beam-steering front-end
projet MITI 80 PRIME : les memristors se reconvertissent dans les réseaux de neurones
Organizational chart
Past Members
Awards and Distinctions
Open-Source Tools
Activity Reports
Scientific Animation
Seminar by Michele Portolan (TIMA Laboratory / Secretary of the IEEE Renewal WG) "IJTAG changing the design for test" (EUROPRACTICE 2024)
Seminar by Dr. Tomasz Kryjak (AGH University of Krakow, Poland) "Embedded event-based-vision" (introduced by Frédéric Pétrot - SLS team)
Seminar by Dr. Eric Djekounyom (USTA, Tchad) "étude de méta-structures à base de ferrites pour des applications d'isolation hyperfréquence" (introduced by Florence Podevin (RMS team)
Seminar by Dr. Trevor E. Carlson (NUS, Singapore) "Side-Channels in Modern Processors: How Can We Improve the State of Securing Today’s Systems?" (introduced by Paolo Maistri - AMfoRS team, and Arthur Perais - SLS team)
Seminar by Dr. Trevor E. Carlson (NUS, Singapore) "Accelerators are Key to Future Performance and Efficiency — but Amdahl’s Law Seems to Say Otherwise" (introduced by Arthur Perais - SLS team)
Scientific Day: Hardware Security
Seminar by Pr. Fabian L. Cabrera (UFSC, Brazil)
Workshop "Open Hardware: the new road?" - GDR SOC2 - IEEE CAS « Tour de France »
Seminar by Prof. Jai Narayan Tripathi (Assistant Professor at Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India)
Scientific Day: Embedded Control Strategies for Energy provision Management and Enhancement of Consumption
Seminar by Prof. Sugako Otani (Renesas Electronics, Tokyo) & Prof. Makoto Ikeda (University of Tokyo)
Joint IEEE & SoC2 Day On Inversion Coefficient and its Applications
Scientific Day: Hardware Security
Seminar by Damiano ZUCCALA (PhD student at TIMA Lab): Alan Turing and the Enigma Machine - An historical overview
Scientific Day: Piezoelectric Microsystems and Transducers
Scientific Day: Test, Safety and Security of Nano-electronic Systems
Scientific Day: Design Methodologies
Scientific Day: Asynchronous Circuit Design
Scientific Day: RISC-V in Research and Education
Scientific Day: Emerging Computing
Scientific Day: Hardware Security
Past Projects