Full-time researcher (CNRS)
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AMS-RF design, AMS-RF-mmW Design-for Test, BIST, ADC static and dynamic BIST, Built-In Analog and RF Signal Generators, Self-Healing of AMS-RF-mmW ICs, Machine Learning Enhanced Design and Test of AMS-RF-mmW ICs, Statistical Calibration of AMS-RF-mmW ICs, Compact Modeling of MOS Transistors, Inversion-Based Analog Design Methods, Cryo CMOS
Professional position
Chargé de Recherche CNRS, Laboratoire TIMA, Grenoble, France, since October 2014.
Head of the Reliable RF and Mixed-signal Systems (RMS) group, since January 2021.
Member of TIMA Scientific Council and Laboratory Council.
Head of the Reliable RF and Mixed-signal Systems (RMS) group, since January 2021.
Member of TIMA Scientific Council and Laboratory Council.
Habilitation à diriger des recherches
July 2019 - Université Grenoble Alpes, EEATS doctoral school
European Ph.D. in Microelectronics
July 2009 - University of Seville, Spain
Thesis Title: On-Chip Generation and Evaluation of Analog Test Signals for Analog and Mixed-Signal BIST Applications (Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Diego Vázquez)
Thesis Title: On-Chip Generation and Evaluation of Analog Test Signals for Analog and Mixed-Signal BIST Applications (Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Diego Vázquez)
Licenciado en Física (5-year degree in Physics), graduated with honors, ranked first in class
(June 2003 - University of Seville, Spain)
Research milestones and activity highlights in the last 5 years
Scientific highlights
- First-ever non-intrusive mm-wave test: we have outlined and demonstrated the first-ever machine learning-based non-intrusive test methodology for mm-Wave circuits. This work was awarded a Best Paper Award from the IEEE European Test Symposium 2018 and a Best Poster Award from the Journées Nationales de Réseau Doctoral en Micro-nanoélectronique 2017.
- Advanced modeling of mm-wave couplers for design enhancement: first-ever design-oriented model considering frequency-dependent electrical losses. This work was the Best Reading Paper in the Decem- ber 2020 issue of IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques.
- First-ever OBT technique for mm-wave circuits: we have demonstrated the potential of Oscillation- Based Test techniques for the test and calibration of phased arrays. This work was selected as a Best Paper candidate in IEEE VLSI Test Symposium 2018.
- First-ever exploration of causal features for AMS-RF indirect test: in collaboration with the Institute of Microelectronics of Seville (IMSE-CNM), we have proposed novel causal feature selection techniques for diagnosis enhanced machine learning-based test of AMS-RF circuits. This work was selected as a Best Paper candidate in Design Automation and Test in Europe 2017.
Communication and editorial activities
- Review Editor for Wiley’s International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications. Guest Editor for international journals, including the Journal of Electronic Testing and the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers.
- Technical Program Chair for the IEEE Interregional NEWCAS conference (2020 and 2021 editions).
- Topic Chair in Design Automation and Test in Europe for topic Design and Test for Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuits and Systems (2020 and 2021 editions).
- Program committee member for the main international events in my area of research: IEEE European Test Symposium, IEEE VLSI Test Symposium, IEEE Asian Test Symposium, Design Automation and Test in Europe, IEEE International Mixed-Signal Testing Workshop, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, etc.
- PYXCAD Common Laboratory with the company XDIGIT, focused on design of advanced Analog-to-Digital converters for imaging applications.
- Industrial collaborations with ST Microelectronics (3 CIFRE PhDs, TARANTO and HADES European projects, Nano2017 and Nano2022 programs) and NXP (1 CIFRE PhD to start in 2021).
- Industrial collaboration with NXP (1 CIFRE PhD).
- Academic collaborations with RFIC-Lab, Grenoble, France, IMSE-CNM, Seville, Spain and the Indian Institute of Technology Johdpur, India.
Office: T213
manuel.barraganuniv-grenoble-alpes.fr (manuel[dot]barragan[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)
Tel: +33 4 76 57 46 81
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