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23èmes Journées Nationales MICROONDE (JNM 2024): Doctoral Women's Work Visibility Award for Oumayma Belkhadra, Sana Ibrahim and Hajar Zidane (RMS team)

Accolade/Award / RMS

On June 7, 2024


Congratulations to Oumayma BELKHADRA, Sana IBRAHIM and Hajar ZIDANE for receiving the JNM 2024 "Doctoral Women's Work Visibilité Award" (Prix de la Visibilité du Travail des Doctorantes)


Play to raise the profile of female PhD students!

Although the number of women working in microwave electronics is steadily increasing, it remains low. Numerous studies have shown that being able to project oneself into a profession very often depends on one's interest in the disciplinary field, but also and above all on being able to identify with professionals in the sector. We believe that giving visibility to women at our flagship national conference, the JNM, is important for encouraging vocations. That's why, for the first time in the history of the JNMs, we want to promote the contribution of women in our disciplines, and more particularly that of female doctoral students.

On the basis of the quality of their work, the scientific committee has selected 23 contributions whose first author is a female doctoral student or young doctor, and whose list by day of presentation is available below. Each doctoral student will receive a prize of €100 at the gala evening. At the same time, we are organizing a game open to all conference participants, in accordance with the convivial spirit of the JNM.


On June 7, 2024
Complément date

June 7, 2024


Complément lieu

Antibes / Juan-les-Pins, France

Submitted on June 13, 2024

Updated on June 13, 2024