RF Reliability in C065SOI FEM mmW : Device Model and Application to Power Amplifier
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Keywords: PA design, RF reliability, Resilience
Abstract: The requirement to develop performant power amplifier (PA) pushes the device in its reliability limits. There is a need to provide accurate ageing model in RF/mmW domain at early stage of IP development. First step is to consolidate the ageing model (CMOS & LDMOS), with comparison RF stress/measurement. DC/AC model components need to be degraded in agreement with the measurement. Some models enhancement will be proposed (dissymmetrical degradation, self heating, Cgd degradation, breakdown description). Second, correlation with PA will be performed (load pull test bench), sponsored by designers and process integration and reliability.
Thesis director: Jean-Daniel ARNOULD (TIMA - RMS)
Thesis started on: Dec. 2020
Thesis defence: 09/04/2024
Doctoral school: EEATS
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